UP A Creek?

April 19, 2017

Despite the fact that the first round of “Repeal and Replace” fizzled, a significant change is coming. In early April, the new administration announced that it would cut back the enrollment period for next year’s individual plans offered through the existing Affordable Care Act exchanges.

Previously the annual open enrollment period was from November 1 through January 31. The adjusted period will run from November 1 through December 15; a month and a half shorter. The administration has been quiet on important questions concerning the continuation of premium and cost sharing reduction subsidies and the insurance mandate and penalties, creating some uncertainty in the marketplace.

This indecision and the shortened enrollment period will make it difficult for carriers to prepare and price their plans for 2018. Some have threatened to withdraw from markets or the ACA entirely unless they receive some clear regulatory guidance. This could send the ACA up a creek without a paddle.  Stay tuned.