JustForSeniors Newletter

The Annual Open Enrollment Period – Not For Changing Your Medicare Supplement (MediGap)
With the addition of new Medicare programs and products over the years CMS has created specific enrollment periods for people to make plan changes. The most notable is the AEP (Annual Enrollment Period and it runs from October 15 through December 7. What you can do...
Big Changes Coming To Medicare Part D in 2025
The Annual Open Enrollment Period is fast approaching (Oct 15- Dec 7) and new rule changes from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act will kick in which will dramatically affect how much participants pay for their medications. (Note: It is still unclear how some of these...
Travel Insurance for Upcoming Trips Abroad
I’m back from my service trip to rural Mexico with Rotary! It was a productive trip and thankfully uneventful from a medical emergency and evacuation perspective. But if something had come up, my GeoBlue Trekker insurance policy would've covered it. And that's why we...
IRMAA: What It Is & How To Reduce It Or Remove
Hi friends and clients! I hope your summer is going well. I wanted to share some information about a subject that has come up a number of times in the last few weeks. I thought you might find it useful. The Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount known as IRMAA was...
Vaccines Covered by Medicare
Medicare Part B and Part D cover most vaccines and immunizations. It’s important to understand which part of Medicare covers which vaccines. Vaccines covered by Medicare Part B Part B covers specific vaccinations including the seasonal flu shot, pneumonia, and...
How They Relate: Original Medicare and Providers
One of the most common questions we get regarding Medicare Supplements (MediGap) is what providers can be accessed for care. Many assume that a Medicare Supplement from Blue Shield or Anthem Blue Cross requires using their respective doctor networks. In fact, Medicare...
Inflation Reduction Act Brings Changes to Part D
The Inflation Reduction Act is bringing a series of revisions to the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program that will be phased in over the next six years. The immediate modifications beginning January 1, 2023, include: Insulin copays will be limited to $35/month...
Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage
Most of you reading this have Medicare as your primary insurance with a Medicare Supplement to fill in gaps. We have been advocates for this type of arrangement for nearly 30 years for its high level of insurance and the extensive provider access it provides. As we...
Travel with Peace of Mind
Let the adventures begin! Travel is back to pre-pandemic levels according to several travel related sources. While you make your international travel arrangements, don’t forget to include travel medical insurance in your planning. Alert! Original Medicare (Part A +...
Ready To Travel?
Are you ready to travel?! The eagerness to do so is certainly undeniable. Google Trends which provides broad insight into consumer behavior shows the interest in international travel trending skyward. Personally, I had a family trip to Europe fizzle in 2020 and I'm...